As a nonprofit promoting civics-friendly initiatives, you have two goals for your existing (and hopefully growing) database of members, subscribers, followers, volunteers, and donors:
Digital credentialing, done right, is a powerful tool for driving your success on both fronts. It's also an effective way of promoting and incentivizing the kind of civic learning and civic engagement that are critical to the health and well-being of our democracy.
Digital credentials (sometimes called digital badges) are already deployed successfully across dozens of industries to:
As an organization promoting civic learning, civic engagement, and a healthier democracy, you can now enjoy these same benefits too.
Digital credentials are provided by issuers (like you) to recipients who complete courses, attend events, or participate in programs of your choosing. The credentials are branded so that your organization is visible every time and everyplace the credential appears.
Digital credentials are completely portable, and most remain "in play," supporting and promoting the issuing organization, for the life of the recipient.
Credentials also come with embedded metadata, providing detailed information about the issuer (you), the criteria for earning the badge, and an easy pathway for others to find and participate in your offerings.
Beyond this, and perhaps most importantly, the Civics Credentialing System is built on a software platform that provides powerful metrics that will help you fine tune your messaging and your offerings, for maximum effectiveness.
Imagine the impact if each of your current members and subscribers earned a digital badge, branded to your organization, that each recipient then automatically shared dozens if not hundreds of times each week across the widest possible range of social media platforms, drawing new audiences to your website, your work, and your programs.
Also imagine if the Digital Credentialing System promoted a clear pathway (designed by you) for your existing members and subscribers, incentivizing them to engage more broadly and more deeply with all of your offerings, becoming more loyal, more committed, and more active members - members who will be more inclined to support your work financially as well as operationally.
The Civics Credentialing System is designed specifically for civics-friendly, nonpartisan, nonprofit organizations like yours.
It's easy. Just click the Get Involved link below, provide your contact information, and we'll reach out with all the details. You'll have full, free, immediate access to technical and design expertise to get your credentials up and running. And for just pennies per person, you can unleash the power of hundreds or thousands of credentialed champions leaving a continuous stream of online impressions that are promoting your work and supporting your mission every single day.